2023 Titanium Industry Summit Forum–Medical Field Sub-forum was successfully held

On the morning of April 21, 2023, sponsored by Baoji Municipal People’s Government, the 2023 Titanium Industry Summit Forum “Medical Field Sub-Forum” was successfully held in Baoji Auston-Youshang Hotel, which was hosted by Baoji High-tech Zone Management Committee and Baoji Xinnuo New Metal Materials Co., LTD., and guided by Surgical Implants Professional Committee of China Medical Device Industry Association.

 Forum site

Forum site

Han Mingfang, Director of Baoji Economic Cooperation Bureau, Tan Rongsheng, Deputy Director of the Management Committee of High-tech Zone, Zheng Yongli, Party Branch Secretary and Chairman of Baoji XInnuo New Metal Materials Co., LTD., and partners of Xinnuo as well as more than 200 people from all parts of society attended the sub-forum.



This Summit Forum was hosted by Gao Xiaodong, Deputy General Manager of Baoji Xinnuo New Materials Co., Ltd


Han Mingfang, Director of Baoji Economic Cooperation Bureau, delivered a speech

Experts deliveried speeches respectively focused on “Bio-functional Construction of Medical Metal Materials” and “R&D and Application of New titanium materials in the Field of Surgical Treatment ”, “Research and Development of High-performance Medical Titanium Alloy Materials and Devices”, “Application of Titanium Alloy Powder in Metal 3D Printing Bone Implants”, “Doing A Life Critical Business With A Foolproof Attitude“, “Development Direction and Research and Development Progress of Medical Titanium Alloy” and bought a feast of technology and ideas exchange to the on-site audience.


Yang Ke, Researcher at the China Institute of Scientific Metals


Wang Shanpei, Associate Professor of the First Affiliated Hospital of Xi’an Jiaotong University


Hu Nan, Associate Researcher of the National High Performance Medical Device Innovation Center


Song Xiaodong, Chairman of Suzhou Shuangen Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd


Gao Zhenhui, Director of neurosurgery Department of Baoji Jintai Hospital


Baoji Xinnuo New Metal Materials Co., Ltd  Chief Engineer Ma Honggang

The successful holding of this forum is another active exploration to promote the high-quality development of Xinnuo. While accumulating more experience and resources, it has also established a better corporate image and reputation in the industry with its own product advantages, enhanced the company’s visibility, and laid a solid foundation for enhancing the brand effect of Xinnuo.


Faced with new situations, new requirements, new tasks, and new goals, Xinnuo will adhere to the determination of starting with a decisive battle and starting with a sprint, strengthen scientific research, strive for innovation, improve efficiency, guide market demand, pursue customer satisfaction, and aim to improve efficiency. With practical actions, Xinnuo will make due contributions to the high-quality development of Baoji titanium industry.


Post time: Apr-25-2023
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